आपके मूत्र पथ के संक्रमण को कम करने के तरीके

urinary tract infection Urology

आपके मूत्र पथ के संक्रमण को कम करने के तरीके

यूरिनरी ट्रैक्ट इन्फेक्शन एक ऐसी समस्या है जो तब होती है जब आपके यूरिनरी सिस्टम में कोई संक्रमण विकसित होता है।

आमतौर पर यह संक्रमण मूत्र प्रणाली के निचले हिस्से के आसपास होता है जो मूत्र पथ है। यदि आप मूत्र पथ के संक्रमण वाले व्यक्ति हैं तो आपको लगातार पेशाब करने की आवश्यकता होगी।

इस पोस्ट में हम कुछ ऐसे तरीकों के बारे में चर्चा करने जा रहे हैं जिनकी मदद से आप अपने यूरिनरी ट्रैक्ट इन्फेक्शन को आसानी से कम कर सकते हैं।

मूत्र पथ के संक्रमण के उच्च जोखिम वाले लोग

कुछ प्रकार के लोग ऐसे होते हैं जिन्हें मूत्र पथ के संक्रमण का सामना करने का अधिक जोखिम होता है:

  • जो लोग बारबार सेक्स करते हैं

  • जो लोग हर बार नए पार्टनर के साथ सेक्स करते हैं

  • कुछ लोग जो एक विशिष्ट प्रकार के जन्म नियंत्रण का उपयोग करते हैं

  • जिन लोगों का इम्यून सिस्टम कमजोर होता है

  • जिन लोगों की मूत्र शल्य चिकित्सा हुई है

मूत्र पथ के संक्रमण को रोकने के तरीके

  • यूरिनरी ट्रैक्ट इन्फेक्शन को रोकने का पहला तरीका है अपने गर्भाशय को ठीक से साफ रखना। सुनिश्चित करें कि आप इसे आगे से पीछे की ओर साफ कर रहे हैं।

  • सुनिश्चित करें कि आप पर्याप्त मात्रा में तरल पदार्थ पी रहे हैं जिसकी मदद से आप अपने शरीर से सभी विषाक्त पदार्थों को आसानी से बाहर निकाल सकते हैं।

  • बहुत से लोग ऐसे होते हैं जो काफी देर तक पेशाब को रोकते हैं। सुनिश्चित करें कि आप उनमें से एक नहीं हैं, क्योंकि इस तरह के अभ्यास से बहुत सारी मूत्र संबंधी समस्याएं हो सकती हैं जिनमें मूत्र पथ के संक्रमण भी शामिल हैं।

  • यदि आप यौन गतिविधियां कर रहे हैं तो यह सुझाव दिया जाता है कि आपको सेक्स करने से पहले और बाद में पेशाब करना चाहिए। इस तरह आप अपने मूत्र क्षेत्र से सभी जीवाणुओं से छुटकारा पाने में सक्षम होंगे।

  • यदि आप अपनी योनि के आसपास सुगंधित वस्तुओं का उपयोग कर रहे हैं तो हम आपको सुझाव देना चाहेंगे कि आप ऐसी चीजों का उपयोग बंद कर दें क्योंकि इन सुगंधित वस्तुओं में कई रसायन होते हैं जो आपकी योनि के समग्र स्वास्थ्य को कम कर सकते हैं और बहुत सारी समस्याएं पैदा कर सकते हैं।

  • ऐसी कई जन्म नियंत्रण गोलियां और दवाएं हैं जो रसायनों के उत्पादन की ओर ले जाती हैं और बाद में मूत्र पथ के संक्रमण की ओर ले जाती हैं।

इसलिए सुनिश्चित करें कि आप जन्म नियंत्रण की गोली लेने से पहले उचित शोध कर रहे हैं।

  • एंटीबायोटिक दवाओं का सेवन शुरू कर दें, इन एंटीबायोटिक दवाओं की मदद से आप अपने शरीर में बैक्टीरिया के उत्पादन को रोक पाएंगे।

यदि आप अपने लिए सही एंटीबायोटिक्स नहीं ढूंढ पा रहे हैं, तो अपने डॉक्टर से संपर्क करना सुनिश्चित करें और उनसे सही सुझाव मांगें।


यह कुछ सबसे सामान्य तरीकों के बारे में था जो आपके मूत्र पथ के संक्रमण के जोखिम को कम करने में आपकी मदद कर सकते हैं। यदि आप लक्षणों का अनुभव कर रहे हैं, तो तुरंत लुधियाना में किसी यूरोलॉजिस्ट (Urologist in Ludhiana) से सलाह लें। अपनी स्थिति के लिए विशेषज्ञ उपचार प्राप्त करें और अपना आराम पुनः प्राप्त करें।

Urologist Urology

factors to consider while making the selection for a urologist

Well, it is pretty important to focus on urinary tract health, and for that, you can get in touch with Gynae & Uro Clinic because this is the best urology clinic in Punjab. And they will help you to stay away from gynae and urology issues.

Moreover, by contacting a Urologist in Ludhiana or at any other place, you can get prevention tips to stay away from these serious issues. If you are already a victim of these issues, then you can get proper treatment.

Follow these eight tips to make an excellent selection of a urologist

  • Get references

If you are planning to fix your appointment with an expert urologist, then it will help you to get recommendations from your near and dear ones. And then shortlist a few of them by checking their experience in the field and the success rate of treatments. Continue to eliminate names from the list until you are left with only one option. And then, fix your appointment and get your desired treatment from them.

  • Credentials

Certifications are the most crucial factor to check before finalising a urologist because that will give you an idea about whether that expert has the knowledge, training, and skills. And it will help you to get your desired results of treatment. To check these factors, you can visit the official website of your selected clinic, as experts usually share whole information about their education and experience.

  • Check experience

By selecting an experienced urologist, chances of a positive result will increase because the more experience a urologist will have, the more they will be able to provide successful results. Moreover, you can also ask your expert the patient with the same problem as you treated and what was the success rate by doing that, you will get an idea about their treatment quality.

  • Consider gender

Well, if you want to get proper treatment, then you have to share your problems openly without feeling shy because that will help urologists to get a better understanding of the problem. It depends on your choice that you are able to share your problems quickly with a female urologist or male urologist. Ultimately it will help you to get the necessary treatment in order to eliminate your problem completely.

  • Hospital quality

Before finalising a urologist, you have to make sure to check about their treatment and health care quality as you can check their recent patient’s feedback which can help you to get an understanding of their treatment quality. And you can visit the social platforms of a specific hospital or centre to find the feedback of their patients. Because if you get proper care, then chances are high that you will get a positive result from your treatment.

Laser surgery Urology

Laser surgery is making a significant mark in urology health care


Medical science is advancing like anything. Everything keeps getting better and better, from the way to perform surgery to aftercare. And who would have thought there would be a treatment that allows the narrow and thin tube to pass through the body to rectify the problem or perform the surgery? With the latest plans and procedures, there’s a much more stimulated and improved way to address the concern.

Especially in the field of urology, there’s greater ease with everything as the methods have gotten a lot better, moreover, under the expertise of the urologist in Ludhiana.

Laser surgery is a most excellent means of giving the best possible care. And there’s the best tool to get the problem adequately addressed. Moreover, as the procedure has advanced a lot, the Laser treatment in Ludhiana makes a great choice to rectify the specific concern.

Laser surgery: Advanced and precise method

Laser surgery is a precise, less invasive, and high-precision method performed through laser. The use of lasers has become so widespread that its use is seen in a variety of medical fields. Additionally, the use of lasers requires greater care and skills. Therefore, only an experienced surgeon can do the same.

The laser accounts for three basic functions, which are the reason for its increasing demand in various medical sectors:

  • A laser can easily make a deep cut when targeted at a specific point.
  • The chances of surgical trauma have significantly gone down.
  • Moreover, it can quickly vaporize the tissue surface
  • The optical fibers offer greater ease in assisting the doctors what’s the issue inside

Also, lasers don’t cause a more significant risk to the body; that’s an essential requirement for any medical procedure. Being precise and minimally invasive has made it significantly exceptionally effective.

Laser use in various fields of Urology

The use of the laser is in different urology fields that are:

  • Holmium
  • KTP lasers
  • Thulium

The prime type ‘Holmium’ has been in the use of urology for many years. Additionally, its demand has seen to continuously rise with the time that it also has lithotripsy and correct the urothelial tumor that’s present anywhere in the urinary tract. Through the precise energy use for effective handling and doesn’t cause much stress or harm to the tissues.

Stone management improves with time

Stone management has improved a lot with time. The best surgical care has significantly made urology care treat various cases of stone complications. The doctor will check your condition and inform you about what to do.

Prostate surgery better results

Advanced and improved care in prostate surgery dramatically reduces urinary symptoms like problems starting urination, urgent need to urinate, slow urination, stopping & starting again, increased frequency at night, and much more. And all these symptoms are well taken care of through lasers.


Male Infertility Urologist Urology

Know in and out about the condition of male infertility along with treatment

Infertility and its increasing cases

Who would have thought that becoming a father could be extremely challenging? No doubt, infertility is one of those concerns that engulf both women and men into its effect. Even in the 21st century, many men don’t have a proper understanding of the concept of male infertility or what to do. For most men, the problem can come to light indirectly, like when they consult a urologist in Ludhiana. Their medical supervision helps to see the problem and what should be done next.

One thing is also true that most cases of male infertility are evident in the cities because of the improper or sedentary lifestyle and living a stressful life. With that said, it’s essential to pay prompt attention to getting personalized Male Infertility treatment in Ludhiana under the expertise of an infertility doctor.

Male infertility can go undiagnosed at the time

Male infertility might go undiagnosed and left untreated. And that’s the reason it’s essential to seek medical care on time and ensure everything is balanced. Currently, the indicated rate of male infertility is 33%, which tells how essential it is to have the best possible care on time. Moreover,  adult males having chances of infertility are higher because of  habits like drinking alcohol and smoking cigarettes.

Understand the possible signs and symptoms of male infertility

Apart from the couple’s inability to conceive, several male infertility symptoms point toward medical care. The doctor will ask you to get through a medical examination to check the following:

  • Puberty timing
  • Infertility duration
  • Urological disorder
  • Surgical method (Undergone in the past)
  • Chronic or medical health concerns
  • Testicular cancer
  • Spinal cord injury
  • Sexual history

Possible causes of male infertility

Stats have shown that in around 15% to 20% of cases of male infertility, the leading cause is Azoospermia, i.e., the complete absence of healthy sperm in the semen. Sometimes enough sperm are not produced or the ones made have extremely poor quality. In both cases, there will be difficulty getting pregnant. The sperm and egg won’t be able to meet, which leads to fertilization. Some of the most common causes of male infertility are:

  • Chronic infections like TB, prostatitis, and others
  • Mumps or smallpox
  • Varicocele problem
  • Vein enlargement around the testicle and varicocele
  • Sexual dysfunction
  • Congenital obstruction
  • Vasectomy

So, if there’s any problem with sperm development, there’s a possibility of a problem. Moreover, a male who is overweight can also have trouble getting pregnant.

Male infertility treatment

If there’s a case of male infertility, then the doctor should get the IVF-ICSI procedure. If the problem is mild, necessary treatment helps to boost the possible sperm count. The fertility doctor checks your entire well-being and suggests the most appropriate way to address the concern.

Have any doubts?

If there’s any doubt on your mind make sure to discuss the same with the doctor.

Urologist Urology

Who is a Urologist? What treatment can a urologist provide?

Consulting a Urologist

Urology is the medical field where different conditions are addressed of male and female urinary tract. During a urologist visit in Punjab, the doctor asks you to give a urine sample to suspect what’s the issue. Urologist check the problem linked to the kidney, bladder, penis, prostate, and testis.

Urinary Tract

The urinary tract includes the kidneys, bladder, and ureter to look at the key components precisely. The urinary tract helps remove urine from the combination of waste and water. If you suspect any problem with your urinary tract, consult the medical expert at the earliest opportunity.

What do urologists treat?

The urologist in Punjab has undergone training to diagnose and treat urinary tract problems. Consulting the urologist helps analyze the problem with the penis and testicles. Moreover, the doctor address problem linked to male sexual health.

What are the signs I need to consult a urologist?

Your primary health care provider suggests you consult a urologist if you show any kind of symptom linked to:

  • UTI (Urinary Tract Infection)
  • Problem passing urine
  • Blood in urine
  • Erectile Dysfunction (ED): Trouble sustaining an erection
  • Urinary leakage

So, if you have any of these conditions, please consult a medical expert at the earliest opportunity.

What happens at the initial visit to the urologist?

When you visit our urologist for the first time at Gynae & Uro Clinic, several tests are performed like:
Imaging tests like CT scan, MRI, and Ultrasound
Through the given tests, the exact problem comes to light to understand the severity of the condition and locate where the problem is present. In case the problem is something serious, then a biopsy is performed.

What should you do to take care of your urological health?

  • Make sure to not smoke
  • Do not drink
  • Have a low salt-intake diet