What Is Cystoscopy And the Prime Reasons Why You Need Cystoscopy?

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Cystoscopy is bladder endoscopy, also known as Cystourethroscopy. The test helps medical practitioners to examine Urinary Tract. The procedure takes place under the supervision of a experienced Urologist in Ludhiana.

The test performs to treat disorders related to the urinary tract, such as urinary tract infections(UTI), urinary bladder stones, urine regarding problems, including blockage of urine flow or backflow. For the best Cystourethroscopy, you should visit our clinic; it is one of the highly acclaimed urology clinic in Punjab.

How is the procedure performed?

A cystoscope (long, flexible, lighted tube) is put inside the Urethra and then into the bladder. To see the internal Urethra and bladder, the cystoscope assists urologists in accessing the urinary tract with surgical instruments.

He can also instil substances, if required, into the urinary bladder using the cystoscope. A Doctor may also perform a biopsy if a cancerous substance may be detect.

What happens during the procedure?

The Cystoscopy or Bladder endoscopy can be perform on an OPD basis as well as an IPD basis. It depends on your medical condition. Basically, the procedure has the following steps:

  • At first, hospital clothes, such as a Gown, are given to wear.
  • After analysing your medical condition, such as blood pressure, oxygen levels, blood glucose levels, etc., local anaesthesia
  • In some cases, a special dye may be give prior to 10 to 20 minutes prior to the procedure. This allows the dye to mix with urine, which helps medical practitioners to analyse the urine pressure.
  • Numbing cream or gel is apply to Urethra.
  • When the anaesthesia starts working, A urologist inserts the cystoscope into the Urethra.
  • As the cystoscope goes to the Urethra, the urologist examines the mucosal layer.
  • The cystoscope will be insert until it reaches the Urinary Tract.
  • When the cystoscope reaches the bladder, sterile water or saline will instill for better visualisation.

The doctor will examine the entire Urinary tract and analyse all abnormalities to solve your disorder better. If requires doctor may perform a byopsy.


The Cystoscopy procedure does not cause any severe side effects; however, some complications may occur during the test.

The issues related to Cystoscopy may include

  • Irritation
  • Infection
  • Bleeding in some cases
  • Urine retention etc.

However, after the procedure, you may feel itching inside the Urethra; a Urologist may advise a bathtub for better relief Moreover, you may have the symptoms of fever, urgency, back pain, difficulty with urine, etc. If the symptoms get worse, consult your urologist as early as possible.

Final word

If you are suffering from any Urologic disorder, in that case, you should visit Gyane and Uro Clinic, where Dr. Jaspreet Singh Chhabra assists you with the best healthcare facilities.